By Fiona Wylie, owner of the marketing agency Brand Champions.

Menopause is a natural phase that every woman goes through, yet it remains a topic often surrounded by stigma, especially in the workplace. For women in C-suite positions, the challenges of menopause can be compounded by the pressures and demands of leadership roles.

I have seen firsthand the importance of fostering a supportive environment for all employees. Flexibility and empathy should be fundamental values, ensuring that the unique needs of each employee are met, regardless of their stage in life.

First of all, fix your mindset.

  • A menopausal woman is not incapable.
  • A menopausal woman can do her C-Suite job to a high level.
  • A menopausal woman is entitled to accommodations, as per the law.

The Hidden Struggles of Menopausal Leaders

Menopause often brings with it a variety of symptoms such as hot flashes, sleep disturbances, mood swings, and cognitive difficulties like memory lapses and trouble concentrating. For women in leadership roles, these challenges can be particularly intense. The constant pressure to perform at the highest level, make critical decisions, and maintain a solid executive presence can feel overwhelming when combined with the physical and emotional changes of menopause.

Despite increasing awareness of workplace diversity and inclusion, menopause remains a largely overlooked aspect of employee well-being. Many women feel compelled to hide their symptoms or downplay their experiences, fearing they might be perceived as less capable or reliable. This silence often leads to increased stress, burnout, and a sense of isolation.

Employers can bridge this support gap by fostering an inclusive environment encouraging education and open dialogue about menopause. Training staff and managers on its impact, normalising discussions about health, and implementing supportive policies such as: flexible hours, cool spaces, and access to professional resources can make a significant difference. These measures help menopausal women feel understood and supported rather than isolated.

The Importance of Flexibility

Flexibility is essential in supporting all employees, especially those going through menopause. This approach extends beyond merely accommodating different work schedules; it acknowledges that everyone has unique needs and challenges, making a one-size-fits-all approach to work outdated.

For menopausal women in the C-suite, flexibility might involve options like working from home on particularly challenging days, adjusting meeting times to fit medical appointments, or simply being able to take a break when symptoms become overwhelming. It’s equally important to cultivate a culture where it’s acceptable to talk openly about menopause without fear of judgement or stigma.

Leading with Empathy

As a leader, it’s vital to approach menopause, like any other life stage, with empathy. This starts with educating yourself and others about menopause and how it can affect someone’s work and overall well-being. It’s also about creating an environment where employees feel comfortable discussing their needs and where accommodations are viewed as a standard part of workplace support, not as special treatment.

Implementing practices to support menopausal women, such as offering flexible working hours and providing access to wellness resources, is crucial. However, beyond policies, the culture you cultivate is most important. Encouraging open conversations about health and well-being ensures that no one feels they must endure their struggles in silence.

A healthy team is a happy team.

A happy team is a profitable team.

Your Business

Supporting menopausal women in leadership isn’t just the right thing to do; it’s also good for business. Women in the C-suite bring a wealth of experience, perspective, and leadership skills to the table. Losing that talent due to a lack of support during menopause is a significant loss for any organisation.

Moreover, companies that prioritise the well-being of their employees tend to have higher levels of engagement, loyalty, and productivity. When employees feel valued and supported, they are more likely to go above and beyond in their roles. For menopausal women, knowing that their company has their back can be incredibly empowering, allowing them to continue contributing at the highest level.

Employers – We’re Talking to You

Supporting menopausal women in leadership isn’t just the right thing to do; it’s also a smart business move. Women in the C-suite bring invaluable experience, perspective, and leadership skills. Losing this talent due to a lack of support during menopause represents a significant loss for any organisation.

This is an opportunity to lead by example for those in leadership positions. By acknowledging your team’s menopausal experiences, you can help break down the stigma and create a more supportive environment for everyone.

About the expert

Dubbed ‘Rising Star’ by Marketing Week early on in her career, and having worked for Pfizer, British Airways, Nestle, Dairy Crest and more, Fiona Wylie now runs her marketing agency which specialises in SOS Marketing.

Fiona started her company, Brand Champions, after she had children. She found it incredibly difficult to navigate the work world as a new mother, fighting the inflexibility. The job she was on maternity leave from refused part-time work, onto the next she had one of the first job shares ever offered to a head of marketing at Dairy Crest, but then after her second child, they rescinded it.

Her company is based around families, personal time and flexibility allowing her staff to take the time they need. In return, when they are working, they’re highly focused, produce incredible results and are happy.

Fiona has been honoured with multiple innovation awards. Brand Champions is dedicated to assisting clients with significant strategic initiatives, addressing short-term resource challenges, and fostering in-house learning and development. In her current role, Fiona is committed to helping others to build champion brands through the comprehensive services offered by Brand Champions. Find out more at